I would say its powerful.
I’ve become
In the liquid an texture
In the tense and tension
Thunder breaks
As our minds penetrating the æther
Electric and sudden
As lightning twitching across the sky
Feinting in feathers and rhetoric
It is the absence that has made compleat
As Triumphs of ruthlessness
Reverberate in time
Awoken in such a way that
Possibilities collapsed
Until we were left with the ever present now
How ridiculous and familiar this seems
the weapon has not grown weaker
Only more acute
As if articulating a liquid
As if efficiently weaving ideas
Like moss in the jungle
Carefully laminating everything in a verdant, gentle embrace
Such instances of connectedness
Can overrule even the strongest lines
lacerated in scars passed
We lift ourselves from the wreckage of this life
Absolving our wounds to the sands of time
How I wish in this moment
I could heal my mind
As quickly as flesh
In a kind of pattern recognition
to seek out faults
exploiting cracks in the carapace
unraveling something ethereal
into the waking eye of a hurricane
making landfall
making landfall
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