I’m trying to catch it
In words.
Like some buzzing prey item
Wafting through my doorway
Its little turret of eyes averting
repelling down the frame once it realized I was on to it
I thought of catching it on my hand and putting it in the
living room
Then, I thought, how the doorway is probably already a
decent spot
There’s probably a reason it’s here
This little jumping hunter
Equipped with all the repelling cable it could ever need
Chose to guard my doorway
And I felt so humbled as I looked to the dog on my bed and
the cat in the reflection behind me.
This is a pretty good crew.
Gigantic jumping spider and all.
As I throw myself around my place
Grateful to have a place at all.
But I mean that—
Somewhere in all of this there is a place that is mine.
As I float backwards in the hot springs of the desert
Looking up at a star crested sky
whipped to sharp peaks
somewhere, my shemagh sits at the bottom of that oasis
returned to the flow of the underground river
that somehow connects the desert in fractures.
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