Saturday, December 29, 2018

echoes of elsewhere

In suppression their voices ring out

Delicate violence

In vocalizations tinged with the interpretation

Graciousness fills our time

Where I am at my edge

The beginnings, silent as the falling snow

peeling away the feathers of my soul

I am not breaking. Just becoming more 

relentless frosted rocks

tearing into the sky.

gnashing away the memories of origin

the cunning of my species

is not rewarded here

somehow coercively hurtful

and somewhere in myself

there is a shadow in the moon

fearing neither exhaustion nor hunger

nothing is sacred

not anymore.

their signature in the tempo

shaping some sort of unknown

in a lingering sensitivity

of collapsing futures


like villagers beneath a charging draught horse

a contemplative carnage

takes hold

echoing through my landscape

the eye of shedding power

to unforeseen æffect

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