Saturday, December 2, 2023

our last walk

 Unremittingly, the heaviest thing I have ever held.  

not the heaviest thing I can lift.  

no amount of strength covers for this 

But the reality  

Una pesadilla  


The nightmare is, in fact, over.  

and now the anguish sets in.  


the is nothing to fill the holes.  

the reality of the state of things 

occupies me in strange, awful ways.  

Is such that we need to live in a world of action  

And I am consumed in a warpath that makes no room for anything  

At all —  


In these moments it weighs on me, like all that I have ever lost  

Generals that served before the flag; 

That I cannot repay 


As the suffering of an emperor is painfully unique  

But it’s not about me, as justice is achieved through honor 

And I aim, with all of this, to bring honor; the small spaces these beings bring  

That stay with us forever  

Thursday, September 7, 2023


 When thinking on the absurdity 

the idea of guard bees watching nurse bees 

inside the hive like some totalitarian regency  

 it makes no sense. There’s a reason they don’t do this.  

no hive would ever-fucking-function like that 


at work, the disruption of an otherwise mild day absolved into the pinging of the bullets as they zip past and connect into the scene.  

when we realized they were not fireworks, or just gunshots in the distance, but rater gunshots aimed at us, destroying everything around us.  

And yet, when asked, I am consumed in the thought of the hawk in the trees like a harbinger that took my thoughts away, for just the right amount of time, in a way that registers as extradimensional  

splintering into the tailgate, each fragment of the hollow-point, lodged into the metal like some threatening flower. When assessed, I imagine it would have gone right through my back, had it not blossomed on the plate steel of my lift-gate. Had Teddy; my truck, not lived up to his reputation: “Teddy’s got my back.” in a way that’s never been said with so much weight until now.  

The truth is: I never saw them.    

But heard them loudly; as if speaking a language I’m familiar with, full of frustration and carnage,  

But never connecting in any real way 

As Some frenetic outburst from a crackhead, shrieking some obscure detail over and over again fading off into the night. Psychotic in every way.  

And how I see myself in these moments, perhaps just as deranged, telling the same story like it is there to garner sympathy. In this sphere full of the needy, and their needy needs. Beggy beggars begging. pining for the monetary attention at every-single corner; strung-out on every single intersection, coming down, desperate in their need. And I hate them. I hate them to say — 


in dire places where I have seen literal horrors of the human body, desecrations of soul, so foul. And in an awful and revolting twist: self-subjected.  




As they put the sutures into my leg, and the bloodshed seems all but over, until I understand hemophilia intimately, for the next two weeks 

And somewhere in their slumped-over forms, somewhere in the rafters of my soul there is this insatiable ache 


something within me that is broken. As though there is something I am supposed to feel  

some silhouette meant to take tangible form. Ascending from two dimensions into this 4-d hellscape of housing crisis, healthcare nightmare, corrupt government, climate catastrophe  

And the fucking circumstance of it— 

The fucking unfairness of it all— 

The universes of rage that pass through me, for everything. For every branch broken, for every slight a seed, for every trespass; a theft.  

And the world is so burdened with so much worse.  

The limitations of the deer god are that they can do nothing for the humans. 

Only the avoidance of loosing their head  


And the shit part is; I fucking... live for it.  


I am not some bystander, I’m not sure if this is a curse. 


I’m not sure if this is a gift. But I saw it once, and felt it pass through my form: and it has never been the same since.   


the effect I have on plants after all these years, I don’t know how to categorize it. And the act of saying that seems to diminish the power. 


so much of this seems to diminish the power.  As if I will only ever have it by letting go.  


And I think of the other day when they all, quite suddenly, realized I was a witch.  

And unabashedly I’m a powerful fucking witch. It is spooky in its way. 

Its also inspiring, I realize. And I’m not ashamed of that either.  


I’m not ashamed of my own name either— 

As if that matters.  


where that’s the trade off, isn't it? 

 And even within: how is any of this relevant?  


How is this not another outcry in a world so full of shrieking?  

as I pass them on the river estranged from themselves, stripping wire in teams like a vocation committed to methamphetamine, and heroin, and blues. That dictates every dead end in their lives. Creating and filling.  as if their entire lives are dictated by the substance that owns them.  

As addiction, so completely does.  

And the truth is: this I know well. 

Hatefully so.  


And so, this is the crossroads: after so much, after so many battles, after so many people and experiences, and whatever-things 


to pick up and move forth has become so heavy that I have forgotten my own strength  

As though the yoke is an afterthought  

As though all of it is an after-thought. 

And I ruminate, in the spaces where the bugs crawl through the cracks of my soul: like an ancient cathedral that has lost all of its luster to the sand; as a monument to the desert  

as if I am the desert, like an endlessness where derogatory realities go to die.  

Exhausting themselves to the elements  


in ways, so beyond experience, they must be felt.  


Wednesday, June 7, 2023

dangerous thoughts

 the phrase that comes to mind is: 


“Strong before the mast.” 

In the various swarms and swarms of things.  

Some Painful, where the familiarity of a thousand daughters has shifted  

like so many allegiances that dissolve with time 

Some familiar, as if piloting my soul is some comfortable extrasensory power closer than all the atoms that comprise me 

& Some downright confusing: watching uncountable spiderlings fiddle through the gills of an enormous mushroom that I put back exactly as I found it. Utterly unclear of its meaning.  


And it is there in the sensitivity, to this endless bower I am constructing, as a monument to some sort of obsession, 

it rises like a moon that I feel in my bones, and aches like the blood of exertion  

Where the truth seems to be so simple and clear: 


“It’s all just gardening.” 

From the humans on the side of the freeway, to the surface of mars, it’s all gardening.  


proliferate the solution. Manage the land and water and people in the best conceivable way.   


Layering fixations as if I know that they will coalesce.  

As if polishing ideas into a particular kind of psychosis 


That I warp into fruition, every single day. 

It is not the destination, but the process.  


As we render the marrow of ourselves  

To our mind’s eye  

As the endeavor of becoming some greater,



Wednesday, May 24, 2023


  No se estaba que recuerda  

La carnalidad que siempre comiendo  

Como un gusano del árbol, devorando mi mente  

Debía ser, mejor. Por mi propio, por mi gente. 

Y sentiste como una olla gigante  

Cayendo despacito en un coro de destrucción 

Cantando y todavía ahogando con cada palabra  


En las lloras de la machina, Oí las mentiras  

Susurró en deuda y cadena  

Como lo único cosa que se  

 Yermo, violencia, y la confundida divido  

la falla que separarse mi tierra   

Como algo siempre sabia  

Como los manos solía atrapar  

Necesito ser, finito. Con la abrasión de arena  

al mover cielo y tierra.

Friday, January 13, 2023

Days and Strife


Fetishizing demon claws 

That reach through dimension 

And gash at souls  

The enraged kidney shot 

rupturing blood and urine into the body cavity  

As a sepsis that cannot be healed  

Without devastating financial loss 

This perversity that carries us through days and strife— 


The sunrise, full of vigor and promise behind the dogfood factory  

As the coal in the filthy cars rumbles beneath my feet 

As if the concentration of that which kills the environment  

Being tankered in by the ton is common enough to ignore 

until death and comprehension are one.  


for whatever perpetuity means 

To other people. In ways that don’t make any sense 

I dream of wolves, endlessly. In the depths of myself  

Swarms of night creatures, reveling in chaos.  

As vultures rioting upon a carcass 

Where the decay of everything  

Presents an endless feast of scraps. 


And still; I was there. Prescient and carnal  

When it mattered, when the will of self held us from injury and violence 

as they fired upon us. blindly

to spread the wings of reality into opposing winds 

Willing. As if it were something I have always known 

And I see it for what it is, and question if it can be undone 


trading strength and stamina for peace and comfort  

In the helm of some postindustrial altar  

separating my mind into dangerous, supernatural places 

haunting me with its pending existence  

Drawing mælstrom power from beyond these vulgar scenes 


As if all of it is an act. This charade of some petty excellence. 

that will be forgotten in bloodshed  

when compassion that has been eroded at all levels

manifests itself as public shootings

ultimately, there comes a point where words no longer matter.  

And in the background I think of the syringes and the feces. 

On the way to, and from, work.  

Where I contribute in clothing the refugees— 

To be slaughtered in the house of capitalism.  

As if it has not already consumed the best parts of me 

Like something to aspire, in venomous attempt  

To use actions as language;  

As we are beset on all sides by the consequence of our addictions.  

Monday, January 9, 2023



In a way of seeing  

the temperature as a tide 

that ebbs and flows  

into and away-from  

things that once mattered so deeply. 


Where the alertness that wrought precision 

Now casts a discerning eye  

upon vacant spaces  

Hunting for faults, 

That, even when present, aren’t relevant.  


As if composing the masterpiece  

To be blankly stared at by thick minds and thin hearts— 

That wash out to the liminal  

In the way that everything becomes grey 

In the crepulstice 


And I don’t feel the fear, or the ire, or the adrenaline   

only the drawl of my own sand  

abrading away the luster of myself  

So that I might be seen differently—  

Worthy of your landscape.