Unremittingly, the heaviest thing I have ever held.
not the heaviest thing I can lift.
no amount of strength covers for this
But the reality
Una pesadilla
The nightmare is, in fact, over.
and now the anguish sets in.
the is nothing to fill the holes.
the reality of the state of things
occupies me in strange, awful ways.
Is such that we need to live in a world of action
And I am consumed in a warpath that makes no room for anything
At all —
In these moments it weighs on me, like all that I have ever lost
Generals that served before the flag;
That I cannot repay
As the suffering of an emperor is painfully unique
But it’s not about me, as justice is achieved through honor
And I aim, with all of this, to bring honor; the small spaces these beings bring
That stay with us forever
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