Thursday, April 16, 2015


Of feast and famine
and devils

I dream of the wrath
The sex
and the revels

The ire unfolds
In paper wings
as origami

and reigns down
on this plane
a suffocating tsunami

I dreamt
So vainly
of these meticulous places

 nature’s corruption complete
as worn
in their faces

rising in fire
this birth
of confusion

the artificial subside
mired down
in their delusion

complete in the solace
consumed within 
the cost

who gives a fuck
of these dreams,
what profits from loss

my heart remains vigilant
my mind 
so fanatical

 encroaching upon machines
the cheap
and mechanical

I will break you:
Your hearts, your minds
and your tears

I will shear you
from this world
absolve you of fears

relish with delight
in the tides
of this time

surfacing through these
realms in a place

we shall rejoice
in the ruins
of a world once expensive

the fantasy that lived
within the vacant
so extensive

the sun sets   
by the sea
a place I used to  know

where I buried my heart  
and waited

for it to grow

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